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With Covid-19 still in the mix, we have now come to terms with the fact that our lives may never OPERATE at the same capacity as once before. We are now mandated to wear a mask to be serviced in all establishments and everything we usually do to interact with one another has now become a VIRTUAL platform. Through all the drastic changes, life must continue to go on and we must work to CREATE and ADJUST. As our young people are preparing to get back to school this FALL, we are working to assist them in prepping their minds mentally for online learning. For many this is a difficult task, as many children suffer from short attention spans, ADHD, and much more. We at The Imprint "Changing Our Lives Through Impact" have been working tirelessly to implement virtual mentorship opportunities for the school year for both our young girls and guys of whom will need extra support to remain focused and learn a new way of life. It will not be an easy transition for many of us but it will be well worth it. Both Girls Beyond and Men-2-Succeed will be providing VIRTUAL MENTORING THIS FALL to support, empower, and engage our young people. As we all work as a team to normalize our new way of life, it will be important to keep active and enjoy self-care activities whether that is reading, working out, or bike riding. There are so many things that we must do in order to keep our mental capacity in a place to be able to support our young people through this year. LETS WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM TO ENSURE THAT OUR YOUNG PEOPLES VOICES ARE HEARD AND UNDERSTOOD! JOIN OUR VIRTUAL INTEREST MEETING SESSIION FOR GIRLS BEYOND THIS AUGUST 11, 2020 AT 5:30PM VIA ZOOM. FOR INQUIRIES FEEL FREE TO FILL TO CONTACT US VIA EMAIL :THEIMPRINTLLC@GMAIL.COM, PHONE: (240)-468-7824 OR VIA INSTAGRAM @THEIMPRINTLLC . THANK YOU ALL AND HAPPY AUGUST.



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